New article in the magazine "Badische Bauern Zeitung: FFH: Constructive criticism" [29.05.24]
Researchers at the University of Hohenheim want to make the management of FFH meadows more practicable. To this end, they are looking for those affected to interview. However, they are in a hurry.
Badische Bauern Zeitung, Tierhaltung / Grünland, Nr. 18, 4. Mai 2004, S. 27
As part of Esther Amankwah's dissertation project "Agricultural policy scenarios for biodiversity-friendly land use options in peripheral areas and their socio-economic analysis", a team from the Department 420d is investigating the acceptance of FFH meadows in Südschwarzwald. We are looking for farm managers who are willing to share data and experiences about their farm and the management of FFH meadows in a 60-minute interview.
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